2000 McDonald Road, Suite 200 | South Elgin, IL 60177
Kane County Truck Accident Lawyers

Advocates for Victims of Truck Accidents Throughout Huntley, St. Charles, and Elgin
"Semi-trucks" have both large size and weight, particularly when loaded with cargo, when traveling on Illinois roadways. Those in smaller, personal vehicles are more vulnerable to accidents that involve these large trucks, in part because they often weigh 20 times more than an average car. The required space needed for these trucks to brake to a stop can be 20-45% further than an automobile, which can be exacerbated when traveling in rain or snow. The truck drivers are also susceptible to fatigue after long periods of repetitive driving. Drivers may work up to a maximum of 11 hours after they have had a period of ten hours off of work. Drivers may not exceed 70 hours of driving in a period of eight consecutive work days. Unfortunately, when unforeseen delays occur and delivery deadlines are tight, many drivers choose to operate in excess.
If you have been injured due to the negligence of a truck driver, Ariano Hardy Ritt Nyuli Richmond Lytle Goettel, P.C. (AHR) is here to help. We have decades of experience helping clients with truck accident claims and other personal injury matters.
Semi-Truck Rollover and Jackknife Accidents
Trucks sit high off of the ground and are quite tall; thus, their center of gravity can result in two unique and dangerous situations: rollover and jackknife accidents. Sudden braking or abrupt collisions can cause massive shifts in weight leading to a truck rollover. A "jackknife" is when the operator cabin of the truck is positioned one-way and the extended trailer it is pulling shifts into the opposite direction, which is illustrated by the "jackknife" description. In recent years, vehicle stability control (electronic stability control) advancements have been made; however, many trucking firms have been slow in adoption. All trucks must be equipped with this technology no later than 2019. The National Highway Transportation Safety Department predicts that roughly 40% of rollover accidents may be prevented.
Commercial Truck Training, Reporting, and Insurance Requirements
Trucking companies and their drivers are centrally regulated at the federal level. Inspections and on-the-road enforcement of their safety standards are further conducted locally. Some of the requirements include:
- Drivers must obtain and retain a commercial driver's license (CDL), which requires enhanced training and testing
- A minimum in liability coverage of $750,000 be maintained
- Restrictions on the daily and weekly hours of truck operators
- Logs must be maintained for safety and documentation at set intervals
Categories of Causes for Truck Crashes
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration classifies the causes of truck accidents according to four categories:
- Non-performance: Examples include falling asleep, sudden health concerns, and physical impairments
- Recognition: Inattentiveness, distractions, or failures to recognize potentially dangerous circumstances
- Decision: Excessive speed, delayed braking, failure to use signals
- Performance: Poor assessment of distance, wide turning, or sudden panic
Additionally, each day drivers must complete a vehicle inspection report for any vehicle(s) that they operate. These reports will account for equipment and identify concerns associated with brakes, steering, signals, tires, emergency devices and much more.
Kane County Attorneys for Truck Accident Victims
If you were injured in an accident involving a commercial truck, it is recommended that you consult with an experienced attorney. Your lawyer can focus on the accident's details while you tend to your physical and emotional recovery. The accident team at AHR employs the legal knowledge gathered in over three decades of representing those harmed in truck accidents. Contact our firm for a free consultation by calling 847-695-2400 today. We serve clients throughout the Fox River Valley area including Elgin, South Elgin, St. Charles, Huntley, and Kane County.