2000 McDonald Road, Suite 200 | South Elgin, IL 60177
Facts You May Not Have Known About Illinois Car Accidents
We are in the midst of autumn, and the holiday season is fast approaching. To many people, these holidays are a great time to celebrate the true meaning of family and friends. To others, there is great worry that something tragic, such as an automobile collision, could happen to them or their loved ones. Car accidents can happen at any time, but they occur more often during the holidays. Here are some other statistics about car accidents that you should be aware of:
When Do Car Accidents Typically Occur?
It makes sense to think that most car accidents would occur during the late night on weekends, since that is the time that many people go out drinking, and some may drive while under the influence of alcohol. However, data from the Illinois Department of Transportation shows that the majority of accidents occur on Friday between noon and 7:59 pm. Other key statistics include:
- In 2015, the most recent year for which data was available, there were 11,330 car accidents in Illinois that occurred on rural roadways between noon and 3:59 pm, and 14,597 car accidents between 4:00 pm and 7:59 pm.
- In the same year, there were 65,418 car accidents reported in Illinois that happened on urban roadways between noon and 3:59 pm, and 68,344 car accidents between 4:00 pm and 7:59 pm.
How Many Crashes Take Place in Illinois?
In 2015, there were 313,316 car accidents that occurred in the State of Illinois. 21 percent (65,744) of these crashes resulted in injuries, whether minor, serious, or critical, and less than one percent (914) of crashes were fatal. On average, there were 858 accidents each day, and nearly three of these accidents resulted in fatalities. More than 10 people were injured every hour in car accidents.
Contact an Elgin Personal Injury Lawyer
Nobody wants to end their year by being involved in a horrific car accident. However, if you or a loved one has been injured in a collision, you do not have to face this difficult time alone. With the experienced attorneys of Ariano Hardy Ritt Nyuli Richmond Lytle & Goettel P.C. by your side, you will be guaranteed top-notch legal representation that will help you receive compensation for your damages. To schedule a free initial consultation, please call a Kane County personal injury attorney at 847-695-2400 to get the help you deserve.